Friday, May 11, 2012

Party in Owen's Crib May 11 9:56am

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, it's really hard to try to post a blog when it is just me here and Owen is wanting to constantly be held. Nothing major really happened yesterday.  At rounds they said his BNP is in a downward trend which is really good. They are also going to try pulling his NG tube this weekend(probably today, but we'll see after rounds) to see if that will make him eat better before we move forward with the Gtube.  They also increased his dose of Captapril to 1.5 on Wednesday night and he has been tolerating it just fine.  I guess they just needed to go up in baby steps with Owen.  Brittney said the night nurse said he was up all night last night.  This isn't the first time he has stayed up most of the night in his crib.  He is usually very content with laying or being propped up in the boppy in his crib.  He likes to watch the relaxation channel the hospital provides.

Owen has a new next door neighbor who must be just getting off her sedation meds because she is screaming up a storm.  Hopefully she stops screaming soon.

I also found out that the ICU's in the hospital are almost completely full when I was talking to Dr. Alaa, I told her Owen and I would volunteer to go home if they need the space. :) My friend Angie said Don't say that because they will bump you guys up to one of the other ICU's.   But I have already been told that Owen will not get bumped up because he has a shunt. The shunt babies always stay in the CICU.

Today being Friday, there is an attending shift change so Owen will have Dr. Ghanayem for the weekend and Dr. Russell starting Monday.  I'm glad he will have doctors that know him instead of one that he's never had before. Still hoping for his golden ticket home (and yes, when people ask me if I need anything around here, I say "a golden ticket home")  I have met a few other heart families at the RMH and also a girl from Two Rivers whose son was born with spina bifida!  It is such a small world. It's nice to have people to talk to when Kevin is gone.

I will try to update again after they round on Owen.

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