Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today's update May 8 10:50am

Hello everyone!  So Kevin went back home last night, so it's just me and Owen until Friday.  As you all read in the previous post, they went up on Owen's dose of Captopril last night.  He actually did pretty well with it (even though I didn't notice a difference...but it could take a few doses to notice a difference).  Last night Owen and I snuggled a bit, and then I sat him up in the boppy for a bit, he really enjoyed that. Plus it was good practice for his neck muscles! He was sitting up in it for almost an hour before he got fussy. :)

I left the hospital around 11pmish to go back to the RMH and get some sleep.  This morning I got back here around 9 and the nurse was just getting ready to weigh and measure him! He is down a little bit from yesterday.  His weight is 8lbs 8oz. and his height is 22 and 3/4 inches! :) He also threw up after his bottle so I had to change his clothes.

Round time! They aren't changing anything at this time.  He just needs to work on his feeds. They did redose his clonodine, because he threw up shortly after getting his meds earlier. Other than that he is doing great.  Hopefully his feeds are what they want to see soon so we can come home and snuggle with Bear. Th picture in the carseat was from a few days ago when we went for a walk.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Owen is really growing fast! Such a cutie:) Prayers and love are with you all every day! Here is a big hug for each of you!



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