Sunday, April 22, 2012

Training day 8:15pm April 22nd

This afternoon one of our friends, Molly Simac, came to the hospital to visit for a few hours.  It was nice to hang out and talk for a while, and she was really excited that she got to hold Owen for a while.

So earlier today Owen's nurse brought in a CPR video on VHS for Cassie and me to watch.  Before we go home we have to go through some baby CPR training.  So we just watched the video a little while ago.  The video goes over the ABC's of CPR and then it goes over what to do if the baby is chocking.  Now Owen's nurse is going to find the baby CPR training mannequin so that we can both demonstrate that we understand CPR and how to clear the airway.  His nurse is also getting a bunch of syringes so that she can teach us how to draw up medications into a syringe (we are going to be practicing with water, not medications).  Cassie and I are planning on doing our 24 hour care tomorrow into Tuesday in anticipation that Owen will get his NG tube out tomorrow (he has been doing really well with his feedings today his best being 55ml).  Tomorrow morning they are going to do a kidney ultrasound on Owen because he had hydronephritis or excess fluid in his kidneys when he was born and they want to make sure that is all cleared up which it probably should be given the amount that he pees.  On Tuesday they are going to be doing another echo cardiogram to assess how their work on Owen's heart is holding up.  His nurse earlier today said that if all goes well with those tests and he does get his NG tube out tomorrow, we might actually be able to go home as soon as Wednesday.

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