Monday, April 30, 2012

Fluke 7:59pm April 30th

I had a feeling that his 2pm feed wasn't going to be repeated.  Cassie and I went back to the Ronald McDonald house early so that we could be there for supper and we weren't here for his 5pm feed.  We just got back to the hospital because we were talking to some of the other parents with heart babies.  At 5pm he only took half of the bottle so the rest went down the NG tube.  Now it is time to feed him again.


  1. Good luck. I hope that Owen will be able to drink all of his fortified milk, so he won't need to have another surgery this week. I'm praying for him to do well. Try to keep a positive outlook and keep encouraging Owen to keep drinking. He is accustomed to hearing your voices, because he has heard them ever since he had ears that could register sounds. He knows your voices, Kevin and Cassie, and he will respond positively to your voices, your touch, and your gentle encouragement. Have faith in Owen, in yourselves, and in God's ability to help all of you, as well. You have LOTS of people who are praying for all three of you. Be strong and persistent and you will all be home very soon. Keep your eyes on the prize!! Here is a round of hugs and kisses of encouragement and support for all of you: XOXOXO.

  2. Ditto to everything your Mom said. Prayers and hugs to all three of you! Marietta



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