Sunday, April 29, 2012

Morning rounds 10:27am April 29th

Rounds time again.  Nothing has changed.  He barely gained weight again because he was just over maintenance again.  This morning he weighed in at 3726 grams.  Last night they were talking about possibly trying to go up on Captopril again because Owen's blood pressure was a little high. Thankfully they decided not to change his Captopril again.  The doctors are also concerned because Owen hasn't really been gaining significant amounts of weight, so we are very sad to say that we most likely will not be coming home tomorrow.  They pulled up a chart of his growth and his line has pretty much been straight the past few days instead of what they want to see, diagonal.


  1. Aww I'm sorry you can't go home! Praying for weight gain!

  2. My little boy has VSD too and hasn't had good weight gain at all. He is 9 months old today and only weights 12lbs 11oz, he is seceduled foe a g-tube placement on May 7 unless he has gained a substantial amount of weight. I still don't understand why it took them so long to put the g-tube in and why they haven't done surgery yet. I know how you feel with the gaing weight issue.



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